Thursday 10 December 2015

7 Days Of DIY Christmas Decorations: Newspaper Christmas Trees!

Newspaper Christmas Trees!

For the fourth day of DIY Christmas decorations we will make Christmas decorations out of newspapers!

To create this decoration, you will need…

    Pipe cleaners (brown if you want it to look like the trunk of the tree.)
Old newspapers
Pen or pencil

  1. Cut the pipe cleaners to the size you want the height of your tree to be.

2. Take your pen/pencil and draw a square shape on the newspaper for the base of the tree. (This should be the biggest square on the tree.)

3. Cut out as many more squares as you think you will need depending on the height of your tree. Make sure some squares are bigger and smaller than others so that the tree will gradually get smaller closer to the top.

4. Poke the pipe cleaner through the biggest square first and then fold it up to make the trunk of the tree.

5. Continue poking the pipe cleaner through the squares of paper starting from biggest to smallest to create the tree shape.

6. When you are finished, fold up the top of the pipe cleaner to keep the paper from falling off and to make the star on the top of the tree. You can decorate the tree with ribbons, glitter, etc.. if you want to.

Send us you newspaper Christmas trees at!

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